WA/OR Tour: Wed., May6th, Spokane

Wednesday, May 6th: I was canned into shorts by the time we got to Spokane – sunny and BEAUTiful. Thought we were late so went straight to the venue, Jones Radiator, and met the guys that were playing before us – last minute addition to the line-up. John and Dwayne were touring from Victorville and needed a place to play before they played Baby Bar and we were happy to oblige.

A few minutes into hanging out there we realized that we gained an hour. So we skipped out and headed over to our host’s house, Eugene Jablonsky, who was virtually introduced to me by our good friend, Britt Smith from Bozeman. Turns out Eugene is not just a bass player himself, but also friends with the infamous Dobro Dick! It’s a small works when you’re a traveling musician!

The show that night ended up TOO MUCH FUN for a solo act. Saw our friend, Marshall Mclean and the entourage he brought in. I owe him all the credit for this night as he was the one who recommended Jones Radiator to me to begin with.

Kelly, sister to our guitar player, Sean, and her husband Don Walker showed up with two friends, Ron and Tina from Post Falls, ID. They surprised me by staying til the bitter en sand whooping it up all night long.

In addition, we made friends with some newbies and particularly the bar owner and his wife, Lucas and Jocelyn McIntyre…maybe it was when we discovered that he keeps a stash of Shiner Bock in the back…magical.

Patches proved to be every bit the traveling circus dog that her mother was and all but stole the show – a pattern she appears to be improving on everywhere we go. Who knew? Own dog – make friends. Own cat – stay-at-home-and-wonder-why-you-don’t-hear-from-your-friends-anymore…

Headed home to Eugene’s to crash and each got a bed to ourselves!?!? Next morning, he treated us to a very satisfying homemade breakfast including fresh eggs from his chickens – all in all, a pristine start to a tour by anyone’s standards.